Friday, February 24, 2012

Once Upon a Time... Just Kidding. Introductions!

Hey Folks!
    So this is my first ever blog, and first ever post. So where does one begin I wonder... I guess introductions is a good place to start.
    First off you should know that, despite the name of my blog, I'm not a bowler. I've gone bowling maybe 10 times in my life, but I really do love it. ESPECIALLY bowling shoes! I'm not a dancer either. But I love dancing too and do it all the time. Of course I usually end up looking like a mad woman searching desperately for her brain, or a spaz who has no control of her body movements. But hey, no one's judging. (Yeah, that's probably not true.)
    I'm 17. (Still have no idea how that crept up on me so fast.) And I'm one of those "Home Schooled Freaks." (No, I don't live locked in a basement. And yes, I have friends.) But let's face it, doing school in my PJ's instead of  getting dressed some mornings just makes me so happy I want to dance around like Snoopy in those old cartoons.
    Jesus is my Savior, Hero, and dearest Friend. Cheesy chick flicks are my favorite movies. (Much to the annoyance of the men in my family.) And I'm a bookworm and proud of it.
    I live way out in the woods, but I like it that way. I love sitting on roofs. And I strongly believe your never too old to go puddle jumping. I'm a huge music geek, and I hope to be a music teacher someday.
    I think pick up baseball games are the best. Stars never cease to amazing me. And in my opinion nothing beats bonfires with friends, family, and s'mores. Complete with big cozy hoodies, cuddling up to keep warm, and telling campfire stories.
     I've always loved to write, but I've always been too afraid to let people read it. So here goes nothing!
 Until we meet again,
               The Girl with One Painted Nail.


  1. Hey. Just wanted to say thanks for your kind words, and I hope you're blessed. I post more often on my tumblr:

  2. Thanks for your comments at Bolts of Silk and for reading my poetry. Whatever you do, keep writing! I have found it one of the best ways to really know myself. Writing helps you define yourself in a way that only artists (yes, dancers, musicians, painters,etc.) understand. It is intense self-examination without narcissism.

  3. It's nice to meet you! You will enjoy blogging. It is like writing a diary used to be encouraged by my high school teacher. Hey, Dirty Dancing is my all time favorite movie too!
